Английский язык. С нуля до Intermediate

Тема 4: Тексты для чтения с разбором лексики

Урок 2: Coca-Cola

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          It is said that the Coca-Cola bottle is the most recognised object in the world. Hundreds of millions of people can recognise a Coke bottle by its shape, even if they cannot see it! And the famous Coca-Cola logo is the most famous logo in the world. Unlike any other famous commercial logo, it has not changed in 100 years!

         But the story of Coca-Cola is even older than that. It was in 1886 that John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, invented a new type of syrup, using coca leaves, sugar and cola nuts, plus a few other secret ingredients! Pemberton sold it as a medicine.

         Nevertheless, Pemberton's medicine was not very successful, so he sold his secret formula to another druggist, Asa Candler. Candler had another idea; he thought that Pemberton's "medicine" would be much better if it was mixed with soda.

         Candler was thus the man who really invented the drink Coca-Cola. At first he sold it in his drugstore; then he began selling the syrup to other drugstores, who used it with their soda fountains. Candler also advertised his new drink, and soon people were going to drugstores just to get a drink of Coca-cola.

         Before long, other people became interested in the product, including a couple of businessmen who wanted to sell it in bottles. Candler sold them a licence to bottle the drink, and very quickly the men became millionnaires. The famous bottle, with its very distinctive shape, was designed in 1916.

         During the First World War, American soldiers in Europe began asking for Coca-Cola, so the Coca-cola company began to export to Europe. 

         As for the famous formula, it is probably the world's most valuable secret! The exact ingredients for making Coca-Cola are only known to a handful of people. And as for the "coca" that was in the original drink, that was eliminated in 1903. It was a drug, and too dangerous. Today's Coca-Cola contains caffeine, but not cocaine!


Лексика из текста

hundreds of millions – сотни миллионов

commercial [kəˈmɜːʃəl] – коммерческий,

a druggist drʌgɪst] – аптекарь,

syrup [ˈsɪrəp] – сироп,

sold (пр. вр. sell) [səʊld] – продавал,

nevertheless [nevəðəˈles] – однако,

successful [səkˈsesf(ə)l] – успешный,

mixed with soda – мешать с содовой,

thus [ðʌs] – таким образом,

drugstore [ˈdrʌgstɔː] – аптека,

advertised [ˈædvətaɪzd] – рекламировал,

before long [bɪˈfɔː lɒŋ] – вскоре,

including [ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ] – включая,

couple [kʌpl] – пара,

licence to bottle the drink [ˈlaɪsəns] – лицензия на разлив напитков в бутылки,

distinctive shape [dɪsˈtɪŋktɪv ˈʃeɪp] отличительная форма,

to export to [ˈekspɔːt] – экспортировать в,

probably [ˈprɒbəblɪ] – возможно,

valuable [ˈvæljʊ(ə)b(ə)l] – ценный,

exact [ɪgˈzækt] – точный,

a handful of people [ˈhændfʊl ɒv piːpl] – несколько человек,

a drug [drʌg] – лекарство,

contains caffeine [kənˈteɪns ˈkæfiːn] – содержит кофеин,

cocaine [kəˈkeɪn] – кокаин (вид наркотика)


Используемые конструкции

It is said – говорят, что…

the most recognised object – самый узнаваемый объект

even if they cannot see it – даже если они его не видят

sold it as – продавал его как….

became interested in – заинтересовались чем-либо…

was eliminated – был ликвидирован…